Why does the GPS satellite navigation program on my PDA not work?

I am prompted to check the connections when I run the program. The following message appears in the GPS details "need to send reinit signal detected". I have Copilot and a GPS jacket installed. It used to work fine but recently comletely stopped picking up a signal. I believe there is a problem with the GPS device.

If it worked before, you know the limitations, so I'll not consider that.

The message indicates to me that you have a connector problem somewhere, probably the antenna connector.

Best take it to a reputable PC maintainer, or contact the makers.

CoPilot like this?


Sounds like you have a laptop/PC unit and the cable is not connecting / communicating with the antenna.

Is there a reset button on the antenna? You may have to cold start the unit / antenna while connected to the laptop / PC for it to reinitialize and reorient itself to available satellites.

And / or clean contacts on the cable and antenna and / or check for cable continuity.

Good luck.