What are good models of GPS for runners to track distance?

What are some good models to track distance and other features that are cool out there in some models that put them above others significantly. Also, how much does it cost to operate? Or, how much does the GPS service cost?

I don't exactly understand if your asking about websites or possibly running watches or items? I case about watch Garmin makes 2-3 models which are good for tell distance and other stuff depending on the model. 205, 305, and newest 405 he is a article that explains some http://www.gpslodge.com/archives/009323.php.

You can now find the 205 for around $145 and the 305 for $165, and don't have to pay a GPS service cost.

Also I've seen now that many cell phone models have a built in GPS system you can get activated and this cost about $10 a month from what I've seen. If really serious about I'd just go for one of the watches, b/c $10 a month will add up soon.

Hope this help answer your question.

There are several good GPS systems on the market. They come in all different shapes and sizes and where they are mounted or worn. The differences in them are all based on how you are going to use them and how much money you want to spend on them. For runners, I'd suggest a wrist brand type such as either of these.


What you have to decide though, is how accurate you want them to be. If they are not 3 dimensional (have an altimeter in them) they won't be accurate distance wise in hilly areas.

We have two which we use because we are hikers and they connect up to our packs. one is a garman G60 http://www.ems.com/catalog/product_detail_square.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524442589977&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302885913 and the other is a garman etrex http://www.ems.com/catalog/product_detail_square.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524442595601&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302885913

The etrex is small enough that it might fit in a camel back pocket, but both lack a heart rate monitor. But are very accurate distance wise as they are 3 dimensional.

have fun

i don't know any GPS systems for runners, but there is a website, www.mapmyrun.com, where you can map out the route where you run and see how long it is

it is pretty helpful =)

www.google.com has a feature called pedometer.

it'll give you elevation changes, calories burned, distances, and other fun information. I use it exclusively and it's free.