What is the best GPS System that allows multiple stops & route optimization?

I am looking to purchase a good GPS unit for my car. I would like a unit that will have audio directions, can allow to input multiple stops & can optimize a route with those stops.

Currenlty, Microsoft Streets & Trips works works well although using a laptop in the car is not exactly safe.

I have read a few reviews for some GPS systems, but many reviews conflict each other. Any suggestions?

my sister uses tomtom. she hasn't had a prob with it.

How long does it take for a GPS to receive a signal in different weather conditions?

How long would does it take for a GPS receiver to tell you where you are in weather conditons like snowy/cold, humid/hot, warm and sunny with little wind, and windy?

Actually to my knowledge it doesnt take long different types of weather should not interfere with the signals the satellite sends and the GPS recieves. But if your out of range it could delay.

A signal send different types of rays and those rays dont stop because of weather they easily penetrate throught the conditions and reach your device. Its just like a phone. If i were to call you and you were in a building it wont take long to reach you just because there are so many interferences in the way it just penetrates through. So i would think the same is for GPS systems.

ty http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070402164343AAH3JZK&kid=RZAuDzruVjX3HmrG3i0Gvua37MKyWIbk4rfMPVLH0sX2x4dvHDf2&s=comm&date=2007-06-02+15%3A36%3A02&.crumb=

You either get the signal or you don't..

No time delay because of weather..

Have you tried bringing a Car GPS aboard a plane while it is on during the whole trip?

What did you see from the GPS Screen? I know it is prohibited but I think someone may have actually have done it.

I used to pull out an old handheld Magellan 315 when I traveled -- this was before we had the true navigation systems that we have today; it just basically told you where you were and didn't have any streets on it. It was a hoot -- you could tell have fast the airplane was going, what the altitude was, etc. It worked pretty well on a window seat -- nothing to obstruct the signal up there!

I haven't tried it in years, and from what I've read the airlines have banned them for whatever reason.

I would imagine that it is, in fact, quite accurate in the skies. You're 30-40,000 feet closer to the sattelite. However, this is illegal.

hmmm... hadn't thought of that! I will be travelling to Scotland in March and am bringing my TomTom One.... I just may have to try that!

(Like most electronics... I don't think it's a problem for the airlines as long as it isn't on during the takeoff/landing.)

What handsets have gps on apart from the nokia n95?

My son wants a handset with gps, I've been mulling over the n95 but it doesn't have too good reviews, the 8gb version sounds better, but its just too expensive.

What about the n73 could we ad gps to it? Or does anyone have any other handset (sim free) suggestions?

the Nokia E90 communicator, Nokia 6110 Navigator, also the Nokia N82 which is to be released soon.

Nokia 6110 navigator!!

How much do you have to invest in a GPS after intial purchase?

I want to buy a GPS and the intial cost isn't a problem for me. But are there a lot of "upkeep costs" like buying updates and maps and such. Is there a GPS out there that is a one-time cost deal with free upgrades?

Maybe you would not need updates. Things stay the same for a long time. You can make save the sites you want to return to and may find you don't use the mapping much.

If you are going to use it indoors you need to make sure to buy one which can lock on to the satellites without line of sight. Many of them struggle with that.

The map updates often cost near $100. My recommendation is to buy an inexpensive device (less than $200) and use it for a few years, and plan to buy a new one when the maps get out of date, or the newer hardware is too enticing to resist. With some devices, you can get free updates, for a while, but eventually you have to pay for them. Just mentally plan on replacing the device in a few years.

Is there a way to track gps navigations already in a vehicle versus buying a separate gps tracking device?

They sell gps tracking devices for hundreds of dollars, but isn't there a way to just track the current gps navigation that is used in a car? Why have 2 devices if you can use the current one. Don't both use satelite to get locations etc?

A GPS device only needs to be a receiver to be a fully functional GPS Navigational System. Most GPS devices have only receiver capabilities.

To have a functional GPS Tracking System the GPS device must also be able to communicate with a tracking service information about its' location. Therefore the GPS device must be both a Receiver and a Transmitter.

You can find more information about GPS devices at http://www.sourcegps.com

How can i disable the gps inantena in my car work without cuting it?

in my car work there is a gps.. now can i disable it like it will have poor conection?

Yes. And they will see the problem when they check the log and ask you to bring it in for service. I get the feeling they pay attention. If your sabotage is obvious, they can tell. It's easier to get another job with a work car that doesn't monitor your whereabouts. It's a free car for work, treat it like that. Good luck.

You can prevent an antenna from picking up a signal by wrapping it in metal foil, or covering it with a metal can. Make sure that the metal covering does not touch any metal on the antenna - you may need to wrap the antenna with plastic first. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080320204658AAenF91&kid=FoxbUm_gJ20vp_qsRyR4&s=comm&date=2008-08-28+08%3A53%3A44&.crumb=