What is the difference between a GPS system and a digi-walker?

Is there a GPS system that I can put in my car but that also can be taken out and used when walking in an unfamiliar area or do they all do this? Is a digi-walker different from a GPS system? Is there a product that can serve both functions?

Hi Lojo,

A digiwalker is just a glorified pedometer that has a GPS built in.

You can get a more sophisticated GPS that works in your car and then as you leave your car you "mark" your location. You can also use it to find a location as you walk. Then when you are ready to return to your cay it will guide you directly there.

Go here for a couple ideas - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/103-9437352-1756622?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=walking+gps
