How much do you have to invest in a GPS after intial purchase?

I want to buy a GPS and the intial cost isn't a problem for me. But are there a lot of "upkeep costs" like buying updates and maps and such. Is there a GPS out there that is a one-time cost deal with free upgrades?

Maybe you would not need updates. Things stay the same for a long time. You can make save the sites you want to return to and may find you don't use the mapping much.

If you are going to use it indoors you need to make sure to buy one which can lock on to the satellites without line of sight. Many of them struggle with that.

The map updates often cost near $100. My recommendation is to buy an inexpensive device (less than $200) and use it for a few years, and plan to buy a new one when the maps get out of date, or the newer hardware is too enticing to resist. With some devices, you can get free updates, for a while, but eventually you have to pay for them. Just mentally plan on replacing the device in a few years.