The Global Positioning System - or GPS - has taken the world by storm. What was once a proprietary item used only by the government, is now in demand by retail consumers worldwide. Those who have become used to GPS rely upon its accurate directional services; and the word continues to spread. A Magellan GPS is one of the more popular brands of GPS.
GPS utilizes the government's network of 24 satellites that consistently circle the earth, providing timely and accurate logistical information. It was designed in the late 1970's by the United States Department of Defense to be used as a reliable navigational tool for the military. But today, GPS has become mainstream, finding its way to consumers through a variety of convenient systems. GPS receivers are hand-held units that literally fit into the palm of your hand. This portable system has the ability to connect to the Global Positioning Satellites which, through a series of calculations based on longitude and latitude can instantly and accurately pinpoint the user's location. The screen of the GPS receiver illustrates a map of the area, including roads, terrain, and landmarks, and places the user's location relative to these points of reference. Travelers and outdoor enthusiasts who take to the mountains every weekend have found the GPS receivers to be invaluable in providing accurate navigation and ensuring safety.
Magellan GPS, a brand of GPS receivers, is one of the more popular systems on the market today. While some users prefer to use the Magellan GPS as a hand-held device, others use it as a permanent navigational device that is mounted in their vehicles. In this role, the Magellan GPS uses a destination address supplied by the driver to efficiently navigate the driving route. Further, if your vehicle becomes the victim of theft, it can be effectively tracked by the signals sent by the Magellan GPS.
In other cases, parents use the Magellan GPS as a tracking device to monitor their teenage drivers. The system will ensure that fledgling drivers are not left disoriented in unfamiliar territory and can alert parents to any suspicious activity.
The Magellan GPS, because of its increasing popularity, can be purchased in most retail outlets. Prices vary depending on number of features offered in each system. There is also comprehensive information provided online detailing the different Magellan GPS systems, including features, price, and user experiences. Take the time to research any GPS before you purchase to ensure that it meets your needs with regard to the manner in which you will use the system, frequency of use, and budgetary guidelines.
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Purchasing A Magellan Gps
GPS Car Tracking And Navigation
Global Positioning System (GPS) technology first appeared in the 1980s. At that time, however, it was mostly used by the military. Next, it became widely available as GPS car tracking. Now, GPS devices can be very tiny, and they are used for a variety of purposes from going on treasure hunts to tracking teenagers. However, GPS car tracking remains one of the most popular and widespread uses of GPS technology.
One of the reasons GPS car tracking is so popular is for its navigation benefits. A car-tracking device is most often used, not to actually track the car by someone other than the person driving the car, but to help the driver navigate. An on board computer helps to contact a satellite that in turn finds the information on the vehicles location and then communicates that information to the car’s computer. After the information has been received, it is displayed on a navigation screen. Often it is displayed in map form for a more effective visual representation of where the car is.
GPS car tracking is very useful when navigating a new place. It is especially helpful on vacations. Even if someone has never before visited a locale, he or she can figure out where to go using the GPS navigation in the car. Such a tool is very efficient in mapping the best route to sightseeing attractions. It is also very useful in finding the way back to the hotel.
Tourists are not the only people that make use of GPS car tracking systems, however. Many commuters use such devices in the morning to find the best way to work. Some systems are equipped to find out traffic conditions and then map out alternative routes. This can save the commuter a lot of frustration and time sitting in traffic. These systems make for more tolerable morning and evening drives.
So, while it can be used to effectively apprehend auto thieves and recover stolen vehicles, it also has the ability to help its own navigate through the parts of life that involve driving from one place to the other with the help of GPS car tracking.
Not Your Ordinary Bluetooth: The Latest Bluetooth GPS Devices
Bluetooth devices have certainly gone a long way since their introduction to the world just a few years ago. Thanks to innovative technological advances in electronics, Bluetooth - named after an ancient King of Denmark - has become so much more than a wireless method of communication between personal devices.
Now, Bluetooth devices can play your favorite music, record handwritten notes and even play slideshows of your favorite pictures. Yet here's the real treat -Bluetooth products have gone from primarily functioning as a personal communication tool to a navigator's dream, thanks to Bluetooth GPS devices that can plug directly into your laptop or PDA. We've outlined some of the best and most affordable Bluetooth GPS devices on the market today, so you'll never need to go to the trouble of asking for directions again!
TomTom's done it again. One of the major GPS product manufacturers out there, they've turned Bluetooth technology into a GPS goldmine, thanks to the TomTom Bluetooth GPS Sensor. Created specifically for PDAs and pocket pcs, this sleek device completely eliminates the need for those complicated connection cables, as the Sensor is 100% wireless. Perfect for city and suburb dwellers, the TomTom Bluetooth GPS Sensor offers clear and detailed street maps in real-time and is compatible with a majority of popular PDAs, pocket pcs and smartphones. You can buy this Bluetooth GPS device at your local electronic store for under $200, or shop online for even greater savings!
Not to be outdone by their competitors, Garmin has unleashed their own Bluetooth technology with the Garmin Mobile 10 Wireless Bluetooth GPS Deluxe Package. While this may be a mouthful, Garmin Bluetooth technology offers powerful navigation solutions for your PDA, laptop, pocket pc or smartphone. With detailed street maps of cities and suburbs in North America, simple operating instructions and a battery life that could put the Energizer Bunny to shame, you can journey with confidence and ease no matter where your travels may take you.
Still haven't had enough? Magellan has the perfect product for when you look to buy Bluetooth GPS devices -the Magellan RoadMate 6000T Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator and MP3 Player. With a brilliant color display screen and over six million preloaded points of interests - including restaurants, movie theaters, gas stations and ATMS - you'll never need to worry about getting lost again. Plus, with the ability to play digital music files, you can travel while listening to all of your favorite tunes! It's truly a product that knows how to multi-task, but keep in mind that this product is a little more expensive than most of its competitors: online prices average around $699.
As you can see, your favorite Bluetooth product doesn't have to be limited to just personal communication devices. With major brands like Garmin, TomTom and Magellan all offering superior products at prices that can fit every budget, you won't need to find a reason to buy Bluetooth GPS devices today!
GPS Satellite Navigation
Do you find that you have a lot of speeding tickets? Maybe you even have trouble remembering where to reduce your speed? There are of course many ways to solve your problems. Even if you don’t have speeding problems you probably find you have navigation problems when you are in a
new area of the city. Undetected is just one company that offers satellite navigation and speed camera detectors. If you are interested in GPS satellite navigation you should check out the products available and compare pricing.
Undetected offers you a range of products including a dual satellite navigation system and speed camera. These units will help you navigate the city as well as reduce you speeding tickets, traffic violation fines, and traffic accidents. The Indic8tor is one of the latest GPS satellite navigation systems.
This GPS will warn you when you enter a new speed zone, aid you in safe driving, and give you voice alerts. The voice will allow you to know when you are exceeding the limits as well as
offer guidance. Another GPS navigation system is the Snooper S3 GPS. This GPS stores geographical coordinates and even tells you of "black spots" on the road. A black spot is usually considered an area where a lot of accidents happen. The Snooper S3 GPS will compare your position with a GPS antenna to give you the most up to date information on speeds and accident spots.
There are many other GPS satellite navigation systems available and tips on how to use them. You will want to understand the laws of your area as well as how these systems can help you reduce accidents or violations. Undetected will offer you information about the law as well as facts about the products they sell to help you find the best product for your vehicle.
Finding The Way With GPS Navigation
For any of us who have been lost while driving, the road map has been our guiding light, identifying roadways and landmarks to help us find our way. But gone are the days of tri-folded paper maps that require the use of illumination and attention taken from the road. The modern Global Positioning System – or GPS – has transformed the process by which we find our way. But, contrary to popular belief, GPS navigation is not a new invention designed for strictly consumer use.
The Global Positioning System marked its beginnings in the 1970s but seeds of its existence were sown prior to that. We first saw the possibilities of satellite navigation with the launching of Sputnik in 1957. Russian scientists who were monitoring the progress of Sputnik found that they could track its movement based on radio waves; this set the foundation for GPS. The U.S. Navy used an elementary form of GPS in the 1960s when they used six satellites to help their submarines pinpoint their location. But GPS as we know it was designed and implemented by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1978 when they launched the first operational satellite.
Today, 24 satellites circle the earth and provide an enormous amount of information in terms of plotting location. A derivative of this technology in modern times has been GPS navigation – a system that allows drivers to map their routes. GPS navigation comes in a portable unit that can be removed and transferred from vehicle to vehicle when needed. But because of the growing popularity associated with this system, GPS navigation units are now mounted as standard equipment in newer cars. Of course, GPS navigation is also essential to water navigation as used by boats and ships.
But GPS navigation is not solely for the use of vehicles. Outdoor enthusiasts – with an eye towards safety – will often carry a hand-held GPS navigation device; the modern equivalent of a compass.
GPS navigation has allowed us to explore new terrain as we venture forth with confidence, knowing that, no matter what, we will find our way.
Cool Christmas Gifts – Start With a Discount Gps!
The functionality of the GPS navigation device was recognized ever since the beginning. People welcomed the opportunity to travel without worrying about getting lost or taking the wrong turn. The GPS soon became a very important accessory and the increased demand contributed to the appearance of a genuine industry. Today, there are mind-blowing features that GPS units have, including speech recognition, transfer of real-time information and Bluetooth technology. And what’s more important, anyone can have a cheap GPS!
Don’t think that a discount GPS is not capable to offer interesting features. On the contrary, the price is not connected at all to the quality of service. You have the Internet
and its many specialized virtual stores that try to attract potential customers with cheap GPS offers. These can take you to the destination you desire, offering both verbal and text instructions, having a battery life that varies between three and five hours. They are perfect for car traveling but also for walks, allowing you to always know your position and be able to call for emergency help.
Using the Internet, you are able to shop and compare for different types of GPS systems. In the end, you will definitely agree that finding a discount GPS was not a hard job at all. Just think about owning your own device that calculates the route for you, tells when you will arrive to the destination and the name of the streets you are passing. This guidance can be especially useful on difficult weather conditions, such as heavy rain or constant snowing. It also helps to have a GPS system if just obtained your driving license.
Online, you can browse through all the categories presented for GPS systems. There are specially designed GPS units for cars but also for motorcycles, plus a wide range of accessories. Having so many choices put to your disposal, it’s practically impossible not to find a cheap GPS system that you like. You can find one that has voice recognition, wide touch screen and user-friendly menu. A discount GPS can really add a new perspective to the whole driving experience. Considering that and the great prices these devices have, can you really say no to a brand new and cheap GPS?
Your GPS is useful when it comes to finding the restaurants you’ve made dinner reservations to on a foggy night. It is perfect for rainy days when you have to travel on the country. The discount GPS can take you to the destination of your choice, making sure that you know how far you have to travel and providing with all the details you need regarding the route. With some models, you will also be offered traffic information and be able to avoid streets that are blocked or constructions, not to mention accidents or traffic blockages.
The moment you decide to purchase a GPS system, take into consideration all of the features that such a device presents. Try and find the best price using the Internet to your advantage. Make sure that you read all the information presented regarding the display, the accessories offered (USB cable for example, use it to connect the GPS to the computer
) and other navigation features. Other from that, you are set to go and travel, always having the GPS device by your side!
Satellite Navigation Systems – Past, Present and Future
Satellite Navigation Systems are an extremely useful development that allows a small electronic device to determine it's exact location via sattelite. Once it knows its position, the navigation device can obtain or calculate navigation information, such as directions, terrain, roads, etc, etc.
Satellite navigation devices are used by the military, motor vehicle drivers, boaters, outdoorsmen, and many others. Many vehicles now come with Satellite navigation systems pre-installed in them.
The only Satellite navigation system that is fully functional at the time of this writing is the Global Navigation System, or GPS. GPS is the United State's Satellite Navigation System, and contains between 24 to 27 satellites in orbit.
Russia also has a Satellite navigation system in the works. The Russian system is called GLONASS, which is derived from GLObal NAvigation Satellite System. The first satellites for GLONASS were launched in 1982, but the system was not fully functional until 1995. Due to economic difficulties, the GLONASS system has deteriorated to only 12 satellites, giving less than full coverage. Russia has signed an agreement with India to work on the system together, intending to have GLONASS back to full functionality by 2010.
The European Union is currently working on two Satellite navigation systems. EGNOS, which is expected be function sometime in 2006, will consist of 3 sattelites, which are designed to supplement GPS and GLONASS.
The EU and European Space Agency are also working on an advanced Satellite navigation system, called Galileo, which should be working by 2010. This system will include 30 satellites, and will be compatible with GPS, meaning that ground units can combine data from GPS and Galileo to get highly accurate positions.
Several other countries also have Satellite navigation systems under construction. China's system is called Beidou, and France's is called Doris. Neither are of the caliber that GPS, GLONASS, or Galileo are.
Gps Navigation: Then, Now, And The Future
The Global Positioning System has been active for sometime, with a number of upgrades. The origins were military, aviation, and seafaring consumers. In the old days, navigators would use the positions of stars to figure out where they were, and where they were headed. Some of them were quite effective at this. GPS navigation isn't that much different!
GPS navigation involves multiple satellites in the earths atmosphere transmitting signals to devices that can then determine there current location on the ground. With advances in computerizations these devices have been extended to do about the same that old world navigators would do, and much more.
The satellites began being launched in 1978 and since they have accumulated a network of 24 of them globally. These satellites give full coverage for GPS navigation everywhere with reasonable accuracy. To the consumer that part is free. There is no service charge to pay for that; though additional maps and other features that don't originate from these satellites may have fees.
The Many Uses For GPS Navigation
One of the earliest places that enjoyed widespread GPS navigation would have to be aviation of all sizes. Pilots found it easy to chart their systems to keep them on track for various airports using either ground signals or those from the satellites. Today GPS is a major use in this area.
Later it entered the consumer market in expensive luxury vehicles. GPS navigation features showed up in a number of foreign vehicles and in the well known on-star system in the states. Cab drivers have had similar add-on features as have other public services as well.
Over recent years, inexpensive portable units have cemented GPS navigation as a useful option for nearly anyone traveling anywhere. Whether on roads, water, air, or out in the middle of no-where; this handy moving compass with even mapping has proven very valuable.
In other words, today you can have the benefit of many navigators of old, in the palm of your hand; the GPS navigation unit. It's coming to the point now where official forms sometimes include latitude and longitude.
GPS Navigation into the Future
This technology is still growing and there are many combinations and ideas yet to try. New innovations in GPS navigation devices are coming out monthly. Combined with computers and nearly any other portable media device; many new trends will result. CallerID is nothing compared to the possibilities of GPS combined with the cellular phone. These features are already out there. Though they are still in infancy compared to what is possible.
Combined with transmitters, GPS has been used to track stolen property. With a few simple actions, location can be in shortly and the authorities on the way to recovery. This is possible in relatively small components concealed on the traceable items.
The possibilities are endless. Watch the headlines on GPS navigation and you will find much amazement. Now that you know more; you may want to do some shopping as GPS navigation might be your next favorite toy!
Improve The Reach Of Your GPS Devices With The Use of Antennae And Mounts
GPS antennas are an important part of any and all wireless systems. The GPS antenna works by combining a planar antenna and a frequency converter, which converts the high-frequency phase-modulated spread spectrum signal of the GPS system to an intermediate frequency. Nowadays, you can find many different types and brands of GPS antenna available in the market. You can select the one that is most suitable for your own personal or business needs. You can look up the details on the Internet of the various models available and select one that fits your needs and your budget.
Some of the key reasons to consider getting a GPS antenna include:
1) For use in a car or any other vehicle where the GPS device cannot or will not be placed near a window
2) For use when trekking or hiking in challenging geographical locations like jungles or canyons
3) For use in highly built-up areas like urban city centers
4) For use in any place where the GPS device does not have good line of sight to the sky
5) For use in a vehicle in motion to minimize temporary signal loss
6) For enhancing the best possible GPS signal accuracy by having a lock on the most number of GPS satellites
In fact, specific to piloting here a number of advantages in using the GPS antenna:
1) Reduces flight time
With a GPS antenna, it is possible for a pilot to reduce the time spent on aircraft turning from around five minutes to as low as one minute.
2) Increase efficiency
As the antenna is constantly maintaining a constant phase lock with GPS stations, no flight time is wasted while waiting to reacquire the lock on lost GPS signals. In addition, it also reduces the overall flight costs due to the reduction in turning time. Without a doubt, a GPS antenna helps to increase efficiency.
3) Minimum investment required
Since the technology is based on commercially available components, only a minimal investment is required. A low-cost and stabilized GPS antenna can be added to any existing vehicle or aircraft.
Generally, a GPS antenna can handle many different types of situations regardless of the outside environment as the antennas are designed mainly for stationary applications. The GPS antenna is a high-quality solution for adding GPS RF signals to marine GPS navigation systems. One particular model of GPS antenna is the Bullet III which is an active antenna with 35-dB preamp and dual band pass filter.
In fact, this brand has been in use for many years as it has proven its strength, durability and reliability. However, regardless of which brand of GPS antenna system you choose to purchase, all that matters is that you does what you need it to do at the right price and with the expected levels of reliability and durability.
Get The Correct GPS Mount To Secure Your GPS Device
It is important to get the proper GPS mount in order to secure your GPS device so that it is less likely to get damaged. In fact, it is quite tough to find the perfect GPS mount subsequent to your initial purchase of the GPS device, since your retailer may longer hold inventory of GPS mounts suited to older GPS equipment. You may need to spend some time and effort trawling through the Internet's various auction sites to find a GPS mount for an older device. For this particular reason alone, after you have decided on the GPS device you plan to buy, you should also consider buying the GPS mount at the same time since your retailer might be able to recommend one that fits your device and its intended use.
Get as much research regarding GPS mounts done on the Internet. Many GPS device manufacturers may suggest suitable GPS mounts in their online literature describing the devices' features and functions. There is a wide variety of GPS mounts designed for various purposes. For those who are not familiar with their GPS devices, some mistakes may be made in the process of purchasing GPS mounts.
Some examples of different mounts available include:
1) Aviation mounts
This type of mount gives the pilot an option of positioning the mount over or under the yoke depending on their requirements. Some pilots may even bring along their own portable GPS mount and fix it to an area where they prefer.
2) Marine mounts
Marine GPS mounts are generally used by boaters to fix it onto their marine craft so that they are able to use the GPS device with ease. Like aviation units, most of the marine units are easily removable for safe-keeping and convenience.
3) Laptop mounts
There are people who use laptop GPS mounts for fleet vehicles. Therefore the dealer of the GPS mount has to ensure that the mount has the same specifications to fit all the vehicles in the fleet.
Using a GPS Navigation System
Finding your way through complex city streets and freeways has never been easier if you have a map with you. However, a map with complicated drawings, figures, and incomprehensible images would not be sufficient; especially if you are driving alone or you don't know how to read the map. Then the purpose becomes useless and the reason for having a map is pointless. So before you take your next trip to an unfamiliar location or discovering new routes to shorten your trip, you should forget the maps and instead consider the GPS navigation system. The GPS navigation system serves as a good location finder when you are lost or trying to make your way through busy streets. While several car owners opt to have a good leather seat, dependable safety features, great entertainment systems, and luxurious interior, others opt for a good sense of direction and peace of mind while driving only offered by having a GPS system. The GPS navigation system replaces a map while still maintaining its main purpose, to give direction. However, unlike traditional maps you can usually find in your glove compartment, this system makes driving easier, faster, and more enjoyable. You don't have to read those complicated maps while you are trying to drive. You don't have to argue with the person sitting next to you whether you go left, right or make a U-turn. You don't have to stop and ask for directions. And you don't have to loose focus on your driving. The GPS navigation will eliminate all these hassles a conventional map can bring. The system provides your precise location and the distance of your destination, plus the approximate time of your arrival. Now that's something you certainly cannot expect from a map. What to look for GPS navigation: Some new vehicles are equipped with this type of nav system, but if it's not included, consider the following tips for the best system: Make sure it has a large and clear screen so that you can easily read the maps. Focus on a global positioning system that is easy to use, the ones that would not require you hours to learn how to operate. A good device should make navigation easy for you. With several different GPS navigation devices on the market, focus on the ones that have available software that could be installed easily on your navigation system. This software should contain detailed road mapping and streets, as well as landmarks such as restaurants, hotels, and gasoline stations. GPS navigation system should come with a voice-enabled system that communicates the right direction to the driver without requiring the driver to take his/her eyes from the road. You should also consider the factor of the memory capacity of the GPS. If you want better and larger storage capacity, which lets you install all the maps you need, then you should opt to have a GPS with large memory capacity. There are also GPS navigation devices that alarm the proper authorities in case the vehicle has deployed its airbag or if the vehicle is reported stolen. For those who drive without a GPS navigation system, the idea of having one might not be very appealing at the moment, but in a given situation where you need some guidance, it is always nice to have such a device to help you.
A Sneak Peek at the Future of GPS Navigation
I've had the very fortunate opportunity to get a sneak peek at the future of GPS navigation. The future where 3D maps and integrated traffic are old school.
I would be remiss if I didn't share the future with my readers so I now present a short list of features coming to a GPS navigation system near you:
The ability to show all vehicles driving near you on your GPS navigation screen. If one car gets to close to you or you get to close to it, the GPS will avoid the pending accident for you.
Integrated traffic lights. If you are approaching a stop light the background color of your GPS navigation screen will mimic the color of the stoplight. If the GPS navigation system detects that you are about to run a red light, it will stop for you.
3rd party integration with local businesses. For example, if you have a PO Box, when you drive by the post office, your GPS navigation system will tell you whether or not you have mail waiting in the PO Box so you don't have to waste a trip inside the post office if you don't have any mail.
When will all of these features be available? As soon as my soon-to-be seven year-old son is able to build them. That's right. All of the above ideas really only exist in my son's imagination. So I guess I tricked you but laugh it up now. People used to think guaranteed overnight delivery was a joke too.
Incidentally, if any of you plan on inventing these new features before my son does, please don't use the name GPS 3000. That's what my five year-old son told his older brother he needed to call the new GPS navigation system once he invents it.
The Benefits of Having a GPS
Lots of classy control systems of the modern automobiles need measurements of vehicle's attitude. The commercial GPS systems are method of option for measuring approach in lots of aircraft & farm automobile applications, however are not usually used on the automobiles. Prohibitive aspects of the commercial GPS systems on car include their high cost & significant loss of reliability & signal availability in the urban road settings.
The modern automobiles are prepared with various control systems, which improve passenger safety & comfort. These systems take in anti-lock brakes, disparity steering & cruise control. Recently, the automotive GPS systems also got added to lots of cars for exercise in positioning purposes, permitting driver to view their position on map, and get directions in the real time. Advent of the GPS receivers in the cars has efforts to improve existing systems, and to make new ones like car following & lane keeping control. Some of these systems need measurements of vehicle's attitude.
Few other type of interesting integrations & functions of the automotive GPS control system are that color LCD monitors on a few automotive navigation systems that can as well be used to show television broadcasts and DVD movies. Some systems integrate with phones for the hands-free talking & SMS messaging. Automotive navigation control systems will include personal info management for meetings that is combined with traffic & public transport system.
Safety Features
Vehicles made by Subaru * Lexus, and Lexus' company, Toyota, exclude many of features when vehicle is in the motion. Manufacturers state this is safety feature to evade driver being distracted. Lots of users have also complained that the passengers are not capable to enter location while in the motion, even if it is very safe to do. Additionally, the drivers have also complained that it is unsafe to pull off highway & stop than it is to enter destination in a system.
The automotive system is satellite navigation system that is designed for the exercise in automobiles. It normally makes use of GPS navigation system to obtain position data to place the user on road in unit's map database. By using road database, unit will give directions to the other locations all along roads in its database. The dead reckoning utilizing distance data from the sensors attached to drive train, gyroscope and accelerometer is used for the greater dependability, since GPS signal loss and multipath will occur because of urban canyons and tunnels.
Advantages of this kind of GPS unit take in low cost and capability to move them simply to other automobiles. Their portability states they are simply stolen if left in the vehicle however can't be stolen if driver carries it with him while he gets out. In addition not having compass, accelerometer and inputs from vehicle's speed sensors, states that they can't navigate as precisely by dead weighing up as a few built- in the devices when there is not any GPS signal. More current portable devices like TomTom 920 have inbuilt accelerometer to attempt and address this.
Save Fuel With a Portable GPS Navigation System
Save Fuel With a GPS Vehicle Navigation System. When gasoline is reaching all time highs in terms of price, every bit of fuel saved is significant money that doesn't leave your pocket. One of the most interesting weapons you can possibly utilize to save gas could be the GPS vehicle navigation system. If you are confused, or do not know what that is, then read on to find out what your very own vehicle installed GPS navigation system can do for you in terms of increased adventure and gas saved. An auto navigation system, or a hand held navigation system is simply a gps navigation system controlled by a satellite system. A portable GPS Navigator system that realy listens. The Garmin nuvi 880 is the newest member of the Garmin navigator family. So take some time to say hello to the next generation of GPS navigator sysytems, and I do mean say hello. You see the Garmin nuvi 880 navigator is voice activated. The Garmin nuvi 880 is the first portable GPS navigation system that is voice activated, the first portable GPS device that boasts full speech recognition capabilities. Most all of its functions are accessed by using your voice. There are only a few tasks that will require you to use the user friendly touch screen. The Garmin nuvi 880 portable GPS device is truly amazing and will quickly win the hearts of all that places one on their windshield.
First of all, what is GPS? GPS stands for "global positioning system." Global positioning systems come in many types for many applications, from hand held, to automobile, to boat and airplane. The basic idea behind every GPS navigation system is using a series of satellites to relay information to the GPS receiver and therefore make a very accurate estimation of the location of the receiver on the earth's system. GPS can typically give coordinates of your location accurate to one square meter.
There are a number of GPS navigation systems, which include the Go One GPS vehicle navigation system and the nextar GPS navigation system. The idea behind a vehicle navigation system is utilizing GPS technology as well as imbedded map programs to superimpose your location on a virtual map. This allow the GPS navigation system to not only tell you were you are, but even tell you exactly what turns to make to get you where you want to go! With an effective GPS navigation program, you are guaranteed to get where you are going in the fastest, and most direct way possible because your map program can calculate the exact distance between you and your desired destination and can compare every single route and tell you the shortest one!
GPS navigation systems, along with preventing you from getting lost out there on the highways, also prevents you from making the wrong turn when going places you may think you already know how to go to. When the GPS navigation system is on, the most direct route is always king.
So, if you have not put two and two together, the fact of the matter is that when you are consistently taking the shortest route possible to each and every one of your destinations, you are saving precious miles. With every mile you save, you are saving fuel. The more fuel you save, the more money you save! This is one of the major luxuries that come with owning your own GPS vehicle navigation system. You will not only never get lost, but you will always know the shortest route to your destination. With a GPS tracking system on your side doing the navigating, you are guaranteed to win with decreased fuel consumption.
If you are intrigued, it is time you looked into your very own car portable GPS navigation system today. Find out how the newest, hottest technologies on the market can help you save. With an effective auto GPS navigation program, you are guaranteed to get where you are going in the fastest, and most direct way possible, so get an auto navigation system, or a hand held navigation system in your hands today. This portable GPS device will take a backseat to no one. The amazing speech recognition and ease of use will steal the show. The Garmin nuvi 880 portable GPS navigation system should be on everyones list to purchase. So if you are considering a portable GPS device, the Garmin 880 with voice activation is the one. A simple gps navigation system will cost pennies compared to the fuel you will save. Save gas today.
GPS Navigation Systems: What Next?
Technology has achieved many useful developments in satellite navigation systems that allow a small electronic device to navigate its exact location (Longitude, Latitude and Altitude) through satellite. When it knows its position, the navigation device calculates the navigation information including terrain, directions, roads and more.
Nowadays, most vehicles come with the satellite navigation devices pre-installed in them. These devices are generally used by motor vehicle drivers, military, outdoorsmen, boaters and for other military applications.
The well known satellite system that is fully functional at the time of this writing is the GPS or the Global Navigation System. GPS in the United States contains 24 to 27 satellites orbiting at an altitude of approximately 20,000 km with an inclination of 55 degrees in six different planes.
The Russian counterpart to GPS is called the GLONASS, which is derived from GLObal Navigation Satellite System. Though the initial satellites for GLONASS were launched in 1982, the system was not fully operational till 1995. The GLONASS has deteriorated to only 12 satellites, due to economic difficulties. The Russian GLONASS constellation is expected to become fully functional by 2010 and there are plans to include India as well.
The European Union is working on EGNOS derived from European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System. It consists of 3 satellites intending to supplement the GPS and GLONASS systems by determining the accurate signals and position with in 5 meters. It is expected to function in 2006.
The European Space Agency is working on introducing an alternative to GPS, called Galileo. The receivers will be able to combine the signals of 30 Galileo satellites and 28 GPS satellites to get highly accurate positions.
There are many satellite navigation systems yet to launch in several countries. The Satellite system of France is called the DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite) The Chinese system is called BEIDOU, but these satellite systems do not come under the caliber of GPS, GLONASS and Galileo.
GPS Navigation Portable Features - Which Do You Need?
GPS portable navigation systems have become extremely popular in recent years. As with any electronic device, when making a purchasing decision about which brand or model to buy, one needs to understand the feature sets being offered and decide which features he or she needs and which they want to pay for.
Here is a list of many commonly available features on different brands of GPS navigation portable systems:
Widescreen- 4.3 inch or larger screen measured diagonally (vs. a standard 3.5 inch screen)
Includes Europe Maps- Comes loaded with both North American as well as maps of Europe.
Speaks street names- Announces names of streets and exits, for example, “Turn right on Main St.” instead of “Turn right in 500 ft”.
Speech Recognition- Operates the gps device with spoken commands rather than having to enter the information by touching the screen.
Lane assist- Realistically displays road signs and junctions along your route and shows arrows that indicate the proper lane for navigation.
FM Traffic Compatible- Add-on an optional FM receiver and subscription to avoid traffic congestion.
FM Traffic Included- Avoid traffic congestion with and included FM traffic receiver
MSN Direct Compatible- You can add an optional receiver and subscription to MSN Direct to get traffic, weather, gas prices, stock quotes, news, and more.
MSN Direct Included- Receive MSN Direct content including traffic, weather, gas prices, stock quotes, news, and more with the included receiver.
Bluetooth®- Connect to your phone to make and receive hands-free calls
MP3 Player- Built in MP3 Player
Emergency Locator- An emergency locator that shows your coordinates, nearest address, and closest hospitals, police and fuel stations
Slideshow Viewer-
Multi-mode Function- Provides driving, walking, bicycling and boating modes such that the device can be used for any of these modes of travel.
Multiple point routing- Sorts multiple destinations to determine an efficient route for deliveries and sales calls.
If you are a more or less “normal” driver who would only use your GPS portable navigation system occasionally, either from home or while on travel, you certainly don’t need all the bells and whistles mentioned above. A couple of things should be noted for this type of driver, however. One should certainly consider purchasing a unit with the “speaks street names” feature. You have much more certainty when you know you are turning onto the correct street than if you are not sure of that, and in addition you don’t have to be continually looking at the odometer. Another consideration this author would suggest is to purchase a unit with at least a 4.3 inch screen rather than the current standard 3.5 inch screen. You can see the screen much more easily, and more importantly, the buttons for making address entries, for example, are larger. I found that the smaller buttons on the 3.5 inch screen were too small. I would think I was pressing one button only to find that the wrong letter showed up on the screen. For example, I wanted to push the letter “u”, and “v” , which was next to “u”, came up on the screen. So this obviously had to be corrected. I would definitely suggest that these two features are worth the extra money. The speech recognition feature would be nice to have, but this almost immediately puts you into the very high end systems with prices in the $600 and up range. Entering addresses or other destinations by touch screen is really pretty easy and quick once one gets the hang of it.
If you drive long distances often, or if you are a professional delivery person who needs to choose the most efficient routes to make your deliveries, obviously the more advanced features on the list might be useful for you. Certainly if you might be using your gps navigation portable system in Europe, you would want to consider purchasing a unit that has Europe maps loaded as well.
As for updating maps, this is normally necessary only every 3-4 years or so. The major brands usually release official updates approximately once a year, and there is a cost to obtain these new maps. Of course new neighborhoods and new roads are included, and new points of interest, like gas stations or restaurants are also updated. These don’t change that much from year to year, so one can afford to wait a while before purchasing updated maps for your gps portable navigation system.
TomTom ONE XL 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Maps of the U.S. and Canada
TomTom ONE XL 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Maps of the U.S. and Canada
TomTom ONE XL 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Maps of the U.S. and Canada
From TomTom
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #17 in Consumer Electronics
- Color: silver/black
- Brand: TomTom
- Model: 1S00.080
- Released on: 2007-05-15
- Dimensions: 3.40" h x 4.70" w x 1.20" l, .46 pounds
- Native resolution: 480 x 272
- Display size: 4.3
- Widescreen 4.3-inch display offers expanded viewing of maps
- GPRS- and optional RDS-TMC radio-based real-time traffic information
- Map coverage in all fifty of the United States, as well as Canada
- Clear and accurate turn-by-turn voice instructions
- Built-in Bluetooth connection provides access to TomTom PLUS subscription-based services
Editorial Reviews Product Description
Building on the success of the TomTom ONE, the TomTom ONE XL ups the ante with a gorgeous widescreen, 4.3-inch display, and expanded traffic options that include GPRS- and optional RDS-TMC radio-based real-time traffic information. The TomTom ONE XL is a complete portable GPS vehicle navigation device with an incredible range of features.
The TomTom ONE XL sports a crisp and bright widescreen display, so you can see even more of the road ahead. See a comparison of the TomTom ONE and TomTom ONE XL screens. |
Navigate to millions of points of interest with ease. |
Powerful traffic services give you a big advantage on the commute home. View larger. |
Use TomTom PLUS services to stay abreast of key information. View larger. |
You betta' choose my voice, sucka! View larger. |
But it's not just the broad geographical coverage that makes the TomTom ONE XL special. The user-friendly design also puts it a step above other navigation systems. The crystal-clear multicolor display makes for exceptionally easy viewing of maps, routes, driving directions, and other traveling information, such as mileage and distance. Measuring 4.3 inches, the TFT display offers an expanded widescreen view of brilliant two- and three-dimensional graphics. The device also features 32 MB RAM and 266 MHz CPU, making it responsive and zippy. Using the USB port and the provided cable, you can use your PC to add your own points of interest. Memory expansion is made possible by an SD card slot.
The ONE XL provides clear and accurate turn-by-turn voice instructions, so that you don't have to take your eyes off the road while your vehicle is on the move. Voice instructions are issued at a speed-sensitive volume, so as your vehicle's engine becomes louder or quieter as your speed changes, the volume adjusts itself accordingly, guaranteeing clear and easy listening. And because voice instructions are available in over 30 languages, just about anyone will find the TomTom ONE XL to be an invaluable system.
With its touch-sensitive screen, the TomTom ONE XL puts programming and operation literally at your fingertips to make sophisticated technology simple. The built-in database offers thousands of points of interest for you to use as destinations or reference points as you plan your trip. The ONE XL will also provide a selection of available routes, giving you the option of avoiding toll roads or choosing between the quickest or the most scenic routes. The database includes zip codes to simplify your route selection, and for extra convenience, the ONE XL lets you save the addresses of frequent destinations, making route planning easier and faster than ever. Other display features include a compass mode to assist you with directional orientation, and an anti-glare screen for optimal viewing even in direct sunlight.
For additional navigational features to assist with trip planning, the built-in Bluetooth connection provides access to TomTom PLUS subscription-based services, so that you can tune in to the latest traffic and weather conditions, as well as download additional city maps, voices, points of interest, and much more. The ONE XL adds to these capabilities with FM radio-based RDS-TMC traffic information as an available accessory (not included).
Weighing less than 10 ounces and measuring 3.4 x 4.7 x 1.2 inches, the TomTom ONE XL can be easily installed in any vehicle. An included windshield suction mount holds it in place. Plus, with an operating temperature range of an icy -10 degrees to a sweltering 55 degrees Celsius (14 to 131 degrees Fahrenheit), the navigator is durable enough for New England winters or Arizona summers. The TomTom ONE XL is powered by an internal lithium ion battery that can be charged from your vehicle's cigarette lighter with the included 12-24V adapter.
What's in the Box
TomTom ONE XL device, windshield mount, USB cable, cigarette lighter adaptor, adhesive mounting disk, documentation pack, and product code card.
Customer Reviews
Mostly Great
The device is nice in that it has several features, places of interest, plus the large screen at a great price. The one thing however, it sometimes doesn't use the shortest routes, even if you tell it to recalculate using different routes. It seemed to always want you to drive to the nearest highway, rather than taking side roads.
much better than expected
I read the negative reviews first before I decided to order the TomTom unit. Now that I have set it up and used it for one day I don't understand who and how the negatives were written.
I made one call to TomTom before purchasing.Waited about 10 minutes on hold after which all my questions were answered.
Made another call after receiving the unit. Again, about 10 minute wait which considering the time of year, wasn't excessive. Slight problem with CD which was an older version. The rep said that she would send me an e-mail which would contain the latest software. I received the e-mail about 5 to 10 minutes later.
I got the unit charged up last night and began setting it up this morning. Much to my surprise everything went smoothly as the unit with the correct software automatically set itself up. Five stars for TomTOm.
Ordered on the 5th received it on the 9th with free super shipping.
Beware of Tom Tom Customer service
I purchased this product about a week ago and when it came it was messed up from the start, the maps were all screwed up and it permenantly had me located in Guam! Im in Texas. I spent over two and a half hours on the phone with these people trying to get it working with no success. Finally they tell me it needs to be repaired and that I have to ship it to them AT MY OWN COST, and that it will take two weeks for them to repair it and return. Now I was ok with everything until they told me that if I wanted to have a working product it was my responsibility to pay to have it shipped to them to work on. I really feel that this is ridiculous, why should i be out even more money for them to fix a product that should have been working in the first place. If i had had the product for six months and then there was a problem then maybe I can see having to pay shipping, but this is fresh out of the box. Never been used once. What they should have done is send me a new unit and allowed me to send them back the old one instead of telling me that i could pay for shipping or just deal with a broken unit. Their customer service needs some serious reworking.
List Price: | $299.95 |
Price: | $145.03 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details |
Garmin nüvi 760 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Automobile Navigator
Garmin nüvi 760 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Automobile Navigator
Garmin nüvi 760 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Automobile Navigator
From Garmin
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #6 in Consumer Electronics
- Color: Gray
- Brand: Garmin
- Model: Nuvi 760
- Dimensions: 2.80" h x .80" w x 4.80" l, 3.00 pounds
- Native resolution: 480 x 272
- Display size: 4.3
- 4.3-Inch Diagonal Touch Screen Color Display
- 480 X 272 Pixels, Wqvga Display With White Backlight
- Preloaded With City Navigator(R) North America Nt
- Bluetooth(R) Wireless Technology For Hands-Free Calling
- Speed Limit Indicator Displays Speed Limits For Highways & Interstates
Editorial Reviews Product Description -- January 8, 2008
Garmin's nüvi 700 series brings two exciting new features -- multi-destination routing and, "Where am I?/Where's my car?" -- to its popular pocket-sized GPS navigator lineup. As with all nüvis, you get Garmin reliability, the fast satellite lock of an integrated high-sensitivity receiver, a slim, pocket-sized design with a gorgeous display, an easy, intuitive interface, and detailed NAVTEQ maps for the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico with more than 6 million name-searchable points of interest. All of the 700-series navigators also feature a rich array of features including spoken directions in real street names, MP3 player and photo viewer, and an FM transmitter that will play voice prompts, MP3s, audio books, and more, directly through your vehicle's stereo system.The nüvi 760 and 770 add integrated traffic receivers and Bluetooth capability for hands-free calling. The nüvi 770 adds maps for Europe. The nüvi 780 adds enhanced MSN direct content capability..
Which nüvi is Best for You?: Click here to see a quick, simple comparison of features for all Garmin nuvi GPS navigators
Garmin's nüvis pack top of the line features into a slim form factor. |
Wider screen lets you see more of what's around. Compare these actual size views of a 3-inch (diagonal) screen and a 4.3-inch diagonal widescreen |
New Features -- Where Am I? Where's My Car?
The nüvi 700 series is the first to answer two common questions: "Where am I?" and "Where’s my car?"
At any time, with a single tap of the screen, drivers can display their exact latitude and longitude coordinates, the nearest address and intersection, and the closest hospitals, police stations and gas stations. And to help drivers find their car in an unfamiliar spot or vast parking lot, all nüvi 700s automatically mark the position in which they were last removed from the mount.
New Features -- Multi-Destination RoutingThis lets you enter several spots into the device (day care - supermarket-cleaners - office - day care, for example) and it will plot the fastest route. And once you've found the best router, the "Route Planning" feature lets you save up to 10 different routes, Garmin touts the feature for providing, "the most efficient route for errands, deliveries and sales calls." The feature also makes this an instant essential accessory for anyone who shops garage sales (you know what we're talking about).
A trip log provides an electronic bread crumb trail of up to 10,000 points, so you can see where you've been on the map.
See Better, See More
The super-bright, 4.3-inch (diagonal) touchscreen display gives is anti-glare for ease of viewing during the day and automatically changes its color profile for easy viewing at night or in dim light. It offers 2d or 3D perspective views.
The widescreen format gives you 70% more actual screen area than a 3.5-inch screen. Primarily this translates into a better view of the area through which you are driving. This is especially useful in showing you what parks, restaurants, ATM, gas stations, etc. are nearby, or in letting you know whether a detour is a good idea. Also, the device itself is larger, meaning controls on the screen are more widely spaced and somewhat easier to push.
All nüvi 700s come preloaded with highly detailed City Navigator NT road maps for the entire United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. This map database features nearly six million points of interest (POIs), including hotels, restaurants, gas stations, ATMs, and attractions. Garmin gets its map data from NAVTEQ, a world leader in premium-quality mapping.
Important note about map updates: Due to our high volume of sales, almost every Garmin portable GPS navigator sold by will come with the most recent map version. If you ever do need a map update, you can purchase one from at our Garmin Store.
Hands-Free CallingIn more and more places, it is becoming illegal to use cell phones while driving without a hands-free kit. WIth Bluetooth capability, microphone and speaker, you can match your nüvi to any bluetooth-capable phone to make hands-free mobile phone calls. Simply dial the phone number with the nüvi's touch screen keypad to make a call on a compatible phone. To answer an incoming call, just tap the screen and speak into the built-in microphone. Making and taking calls on the road has never been easier, or safer. In addition, Garmin makes it a breeze to look-up and dial numbers from your personalized phone book or even tap into your cell phone's call history log.
Integrated FM Traffic Receiver
Steer clear of traffic with an integrated FM traffic receiver designed to receive alerts from TMC Clear Channel about traffic tie-ups and road construction that might lie ahead on your route. All you have to do is simply touch the screen to view traffic details and you'll be ready to detour around any problem area. And if you end up missing a turn, or you're forced into a detour that is not relayed through the traffic receiver, the nüvi's sophisticated automatic routing will get you back on track in no time. In most areas, TMC Clear Channel traffic broadcasts are continuous — there's no waiting for scheduled traffic news updates or random alerts. Because traffic broadcasts are received via a "silent" FM data channel, you can still listen to music or news programming on your car radio without interference from incoming FM traffic data transmissions. A 3-month subscription to TMC Clear Channel's Total Traffic Network is included with purchase of this device. For more information on subscription fees, coverage in individual cities, and traffic data networks in the United Kingdom and Europe, check the Garmin website. |
Garmin Lock
Garmin's patent pending theft prevention system that disables the unit from performing any functions until the user types in a specific 4-digit PIN or takes the unit to a predetermined secure location
Easy To Use Interface
Garmin's interface is a key to their success and one of the things that makes their devices such a pleasure to use. Simple controls and sub-screens make it easy to enter or search for destinations and get data about your trip.
Beyond Navigation
Browse your stored pictures with an easy-to-use JPEG viewer. |
Navigation is just the beginning. All nüvi 700s feature travel tools including JPEG picture viewer, MP3 player, world travel clock with time zones, currency converter, measurement converter, calculator and more.
They are also compatible with optional content plug-ins available via SD card, such as the Garmin Travel Guides and Garmin SaversGuide provide detailed data for attractions and information on nearby merchants offering discounts, so you can customize your nüvi for all your travel needs.
Garmin has also added the ability for customers to add custom points of interest (POI’s) from third parties such as school zones and safety cameras.
Trick Your GPS Ride
Custom vehicle icons let you ride in style, at least inside your GPS. See more icon options | All nüvis support configurable vehicle icons. These fun, customized car-shaped icons come in a variety of colors to add a personal touch to your vehicle's position on the map. |
What's in the Box
nüvi 760, Preloaded City Navigator NT for North America, FM traffic receiver with vehicle power cable, 3-month subscription to TMC real-time traffic services, Vehicle suction cup mount, USB cable, Dashboard disc, Quick start manual
- Optional software for language translation, detailed travel guides, and savings programs allow you to customize your nüvi to fit your travel needs
- The FM transmitter feature is only available in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
- Like most USB Mass Storage Devices, the nüvi is not compatible with Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Me.
Which nüvi is Best for You?
Note: All nüvis come with detailed NAVTEQ maps containing more than 6 million pre-loaded point of interest locations.
Screen Size inches (w x h) | Included Maps | Text-to-Speech (Directions in Real Street Names) | Traffic | Bluetooth | Media | FM Transmitter (audio through car stereo system) | Multi- Point Routing | Battery life (hours) | |||
Cont. U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico | AK and Canada | Europe | |||||||||
nüvi 200 | 2.8 x 2.1 | Photos | up to 5 | ||||||||
nüvi 200w | 3.81 x 2.25 | Photos | up to 5 | ||||||||
nüvi 250 | 2.8 x 2.1 | Photos | up to 5 | ||||||||
nüvi 250w | 3.81 x 2.25 | Photos | up to 5 | ||||||||
nüvi 260 | 2.8 x 2.1 | Photos | up to 5 | ||||||||
nüvi 260w | 3.81 x 2.25 | Photos | up to 5 | ||||||||
nüvi 270 | 2.8 x 2.1 | Photos | up to 5 | ||||||||
nüvi 350 | 2.8 x 2.1 | FM (with opt. receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 8 | |||||||
nüvi 360 | 2.8 x 2.1 | FM (with opt. receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 8 | |||||||
nüvi 370 | 2.8 x 2.1 | FM (receiver included) | Photos, MP3s | up to 8 | |||||||
nüvi 650 | 3.81 x 2.25 | FM (with opt. receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 7 | |||||||
nüvi 660 | 3.81 x 2.25 | FM (receiver included) | Photos, MP3s | up to 7 | |||||||
nüvi 670 | 3.81 x 2.25 | FM (receiver included) | Photos, MP3s | up to 7 | |||||||
nüvi 680 | 3.81 x 2.25 | MSN (receiver included; 1-year free); FM (with opt. receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 7 | |||||||
nüvi 750 | 3.81 x 2.25 | FM (with opt. receiver); MSN-enhanced (with optional receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 5 | |||||||
nüvi 760 | 3.81 x 2.25 | FM (receiver included); MSN-enhanced (with optional receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 5 | |||||||
nüvi 770 | 3.81 x 2.25 | FM (receiver included); MSN-enhanced (with optional receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 5 | |||||||
nüvi 780 | 3.81 x 2.25 | MSN-enhanced (receiver inc.; 3 months free) receiver); FM (with opt. receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 5 | |||||||
nüvi 850 | 3.81 x 2.25 | MSN-enhanced (with optional receiver); FM (with opt. receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 4 | |||||||
nüvi 850 | 3.81 x 2.25 | MSN-enhanced (receiver inc.; 3 months free); FM (with opt. receiver) | Photos, MP3s | up to 4 | |||||||
nüvi 5000 | 4.5 x 2.7 | MSN-enhanced (with optional receiver); FM (with opt. receiver) | external battery only |
Customer Reviews
build-in speaker is too weak
The build-in speaker is too weak to hear the direction clearly, and I didn't even turn my radio on!
How does bluetooth work?
How does the Bluetooth function work? Do you need a special phone? Do you need a special cable?
Nice with a couple of glitches
The Garmin is a really great product, that gives fantastic directions as one would expect. There are a couple of small glitches. One, it pronounces Dr. as "doctor" instead of "drive." That's actually amusing more than anything.
A bit more annoying is that it is always optimistic when estimating arrival time if there are any lights. I'm not even talking about traffice, just normal stop lights. You can usually add 5-10 minutes to the estimate for a 20 minute in town trip, or even suburban trip.
As for directions, sometimes they are a bit odd, taking routes that I would never choose on my own, and that are not necessarily fastest. The time differential is small, but my own route choice is usually a bit faster. This is only an occassional thing, and it happens with the online mapping as well (Mapquest, Google Maps, etc). You can't expect any system to always give the fastest directions.
The most problematic issue is the power cord. The design of the end is poor, with a plastic disc that sticks out. Ours just broke after just 3 months of use. Also the power cord is proprietary, rather than using a usb or mini usb connector. This may be to keep people from frying there Nuvi's with too much juice, but it means we now have to search for a power cord at the last minute before a trip. I'm hoping they warrantee the part, but that still won't get it to us quickly enough.
List Price: | $599.99 |
Price: | $248.97 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details |